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Executive Energy Services


Two Free 60 minute online Webinars to choose from:

Thursday February 15th or February 22nd,  6:30pm-7:30pm EST

Choose which one suits your schedule.

For The Next Generation of Executives, Engineers,

Consultants, and Government Professionals

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James P. Moore

Engineer, Inventor, Author, Mathematician



30 Years of key insights to help you and your company move forward. 


The Timesaver Route

Just $97!

Video - 21 Key Insights in one-half hour:


  • The energy profit optimization skillset is so exceptional that it sets you apart in any business anywhere in the world.

  • Here are 21 career changing and business altering Teaching Points worth millions of dollars in your future. Worth hundreds of billions globally in the years to come.

  • This training will open the doors for you the rest of your life if you are committed to an exceptional, professional future. This is an invitation to become one of the elite.

  • Executive Energy Training is unique in the business world and can lead you to places of incredible creativity, accomplishment, credibility, influence, and the professional successes that can lead to financial freedom throughout your career.


Project Energy Savings

$8 Billion+ Annually


CO2 Reductions


55 Million



Your Colleagues and Competitors

are doing this...


Nominated by

The United Nations 

Referred to by Reuters as "the Nobel Prize for Sustainability,” the Katerva Awards are the pinnacle of global sustainability recognition.  Through them the best ideas on the planet are identified, refined and accelerated toward impact at a global level.

  1. Save millions of dollars, change the direction of the companies that you serve and your career for a lifetime.

  2. Astonishing improvements in business energy systems.

  3. Learn how $1 saved is $10 earned.

  4. Incredibly lucrative profit improvements.

  5. Just three hours to shave years off of misdirection and misapplication.

This site is comprehensive to meet the requirements of leading professionals.


MY FOCUS is designing and providing global, solutions that will provide the next generation of clean energy, clean water, new revenue streams, and the necessary solutions around the world that come from these fundamentals. One component is this training course for next-gen executives, engineers, consultants, financial managers and  government representatives.


What you know now:


1. There is no energy training for executives - For you...


2. So much is expected of you


3. Everyone is counting on

your decisions


4. You have no one to talk to

No one you can trust - in energy


5. Most executives are self-taught


6. A large part of business revenue

is wasted every day on energy losses


7. Somebody in the company told

you that payback periods

for any energy-related

project has to be one year or less


What you will receive:


1. dozens of key insights into the world-leading financial performance of energy optimization projects.


2. Energy optimization can be the most lucrative component in most businesses.

Often 5X and 10X typical corporate returns.


3. The energy profit optimization skillset is so unique that it sets you apart in any business.


4. $1 Saved is $10 earned


5. How to avoid large, costly energy mistakes.


6. Profit margins are increased with least effort.


In the market today, with so many voices to consider, it has been suggested that I should discuss authority - my credentials for your consideration. With all due respect and humility if you would please consider the picture of this 500,000 square foot production plant:











How it worked in that situation is that I received a call from a $6 billion industrial energy and process company that has 17,000 employees and a global suite of world-class engineers to help a $4 billion food processing company with 24,000 employees and an equally impressive class of engineers to come and help them both. Then they turned over the heart of a near billion-dollar production plant to me.


The trust was formal and explicit. There were one thousand jobs to consider and there could be no mistakes. Indeed both international companies' reputations were on the line.


In every company that I have been called into like this one, what is needed is to observe, listen, guide, design, then add and subtract with precision, manage and optimize procurement, finance, installation and changes in real time, train staff, achieve uncommon energy results, and deliver systems designed to perform for decades. Moreover, deliver the above with a financial return that is rarely seen in any industry.


For all involved in the project, it is an education that needed to be provide in real time at the highest levels.


That has happened frequently over the years. 










There was a time I was called to come to our capital and teach a nation about the pragmatic implementation of energy and sustainable systems. Indeed, I have worked with every level of government.









I save Canadians well over $5 billion per year in gasoline consumption and have a virtual forest of over 55 million trees as a result of my work in CO2 emissions and energy reduction.










A countless number of companies and cities have been served in this way.


The United Nations were incredibly kind and gracious to nominate my work for what is named The Katerva Award - what Reuters describes as the Nobel Prize for sustainability.














I have been a guest lecturer at leading universities - masters, doctorate and post-doctorate.




















There is no specific energy training at your level - For you...


That took me a while to see clearly. That it is not your fault. There simply isn't nor has ever been. I have found that most executives are self-taught. 


There may be a few seminars or cursory courses that have no real-world, large business applications - the type and size that you are responsible for.  YouTube is filled with questionable content. It is why so many mistakes are made and why so few executives ever show up in energy meetings or on site. They would have little to contribute. Although I have met some rare exceptions.


What changed it all:

Essential insights from

previous generations


I came from a very blue collar background. Worked in a factory straight out of high school. I served my country in the military. I was the sixth in my family's lineage to take care of the world.


I worked for eight years but always dreamed of university. Think of the movie Rudy and you will understand. I became a Systems Design Engineer from the University of Waterloo in Canada.


I know you...


- So much is expected of you -







Everyone is counting on

your decisions



The factories and subsequent work helped me see a little more clearly. When I graduated, I insisted that I would not just be what I call a paper engineer. I wanted tools in my hands, be in the field, design, install, manage and commission everything that it took to bring exceptional energy systems to life. 


It required humility, respect

and most importantly - Trust


I went to those much older than me - to former generations who came up from the ranks of hands-on experience. Some born in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s . Many with barely a  grade nine education who became some of the best tradesmen, technicians, engineers and businessmen this country has every produced.


I told them about the kind of engineer that I wanted to become. I had a sincere desire to be beyond competent and proficient - to be excellent and to be taught. They handed me hand tools.


The first gentleman was in his 70s - a refrigeration mechanic for over fifty years said, "OK, come over here and press your ear against this pipe and tell me what you hear," as he turned a valve. That was day one for me. 


They became my guides, my friends and my confidants. I had found trust the same way they did when they were first starting out. You could probably use someone like that now.


I have done a little math, and all told, I think that the gentlemen that have taught me over the decades have given me the benefit of close to a thousand years of experience between them. With patience and understanding all but lost today. They gave me the freedom to say, “I do not know.” I fear the world will never see the likes of them again. 









You have no one to talk to

No one you can trust - energy


The picture above of the young executive - I used to be him. I was the head of energy engineering for a sizeable municipality. Everyone was looking to me for solutions and direction including senior management and city council. The problem was that I was fresh out of university and too inexperienced. Just as now, there was no training and no one to confide in.  Sound familiar?


I have found that it happens at every level right up to the CEO of large companies. The higher the position, the more corporate responsibilities where executive function and performance far outweigh the reality of the energy portfolio. They are in way over their head. But the good news is that you know that those above you don't know that you don't know so risks are minimized and companies take small, insignificant measures because they don't have anyone internally who knows what they are doing. You hire people below you who know less than you. And perhaps they hired or promoted you for the same reason? You hire consultants because you can't do it yourself.









Most executives are self-taught


You have no idea what the Chief of the Plant is talking about, the engineers, or the tradespeople. Is solar a good investment? Is wind? Heat pumps? What actually is a kilowatt-hour?


Millions of dollars to consider. Impactful decisions to be made. Poor decisions that haunt. You are not alone. Not even close... 


There is a reality to address. Most companies spend millions of dollars in energy costs. A very significant portion of the budget goes to what the industry terms waste energy. What most people consider waste energy is one of the most lucrative investment opportunities that companies and countries can take advantage of. If only they knew.



A large part of your revenue

is wasted every year


Because there is no energy 

training for executives



Of all the hours that I have spent in boardrooms and meetings, I have yet to meet a CEO where the E stands for energy. In fact, in nearly three decades I have yet to meet anyone that understands energy at the corporate level.









At the executive level, energy projects typically are last on any agenda, if at all, for all the above reasons and yet, what is not known is that what companies call waste energy is often the most profitable opportunity in a business.


Somebody in the company told

you that payback periods

for any energy-related

project have to be one year or less









That has been the level

of Executive Energy Training

You have received so far










Thirty years ago I took

a single course that changed

the direction of my career.

What I learned then began a

journey that saves billions

of dollars today

and impacts lives globally


Insights that

Change Everything



Including Bonuses (a $15,600 value)...




Only $579 CDfor the ESSENTIALS

(a $5,000 value) 




Only $97 CDN for the

- 30 Years -

21 Key Optimization Insights.


  • To save millions of dollars, change the direction of the companies that you serve and perhaps your career for a lifetime.

  • Learn from the combined insights of extraordinary generations - when truth, fact and experience find you.

  • Astonishing improvements in business energy systems.

  • Learn how $1 saved is $10 earned.

  • Incredibly lucrative profit improvements.


Just three hours to shave

years off of misdirection

and misapplication





"The payback period on a good

decision is the minute that

you say yes."


In this case by the time

Lunch comes around.


Included Bonuses

In The Executive package:





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Short Case Study:

One of the last clients I had was thinking of a large solar PV installation. $5 million. I showed them how to achieve the same results for less than $200k.

The payback period for my brief consultation was 5 minutes. 

For $2,000 I saved them nearly $5 million.

It took fifteen minutes.

That is what I want for you...

$1,997 CDN


$1,997 CDN
$15,600 value:

Short Case Study:

One of the last clients I had was thinking of a large solar PV installation. $5 million. I showed them ho to achieve the same results for less than $200k.

The payback period for my brief consultation was 5 minutes. 

For $2,000 I saved them nearly $5 million.

It took fifteen minutes.


That is what I want for you...

$200BN+ Client Portfolio

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To Download




Workshop Background and Insights: 9 minutes



"I have been looking for you for two years..."

R. Zalagenas

Director, University of Waterloo


"One of the great minds of our generation."

C. Bush


"Pure Genius."

B. Taylor

Executive Package

  1. 30 Years of key insights in three hours to help you and your company move forward. ($5,000 value).

  2. Two hour consultation  regarding an energy project you are considering. ($10,000 value).

  3. Business Equivalence - The New Science of Energy to Sales Equivalence e-course ($500 value).

  4. A hardcopy of Mark Mills' new book on energy: "The Cloud Revolution.

        ($50 value).

  1. NEXT - Real Stories About Energy and the Environment. 7th Edition. e-Book by James P. Moore. ($50 value).


Learn On
Your Own
579 CDN

$5,000 value::

Essentials Package


30 Years of key insights in three hours to help you and your company move forward. 


$579 CDN

$97 CDN

1. A Two Hour On-line Consultation with

James P. Moore

Regarding Your Energy Project(s).

(A $10,000 Value)

2. Business Equivalence

The New Science of Sales to Energy Ratio.

Foundation, Discussion and Examples.

(A $500 Value)


3. A Hard Copy of Mark Mills' book:

(A $50 Value)

4. NEXT - Real Stories About

Energy and the Environment e-Book.

(A $50 Value)

Contact Us About The Workshop

Thank You Kindly...

4EL Energy

55 Northfield Drive East – Suite 132

Waterloo, Ontario. Canada. N2K 3T6

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