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Free, Clean Energy - Forever.
Nominated by
The United Nations
Referred to by Reuters as "the Nobel Prize for Sustainability,” the Katerva Awards are the pinnacle of global sustainability recognition. Through them the best ideas on the planet are identified, refined and accelerated toward impact at a global level.
1/12th the cost of solar
or wind turbines
Clean Energy
Clean Water
Global Food Supplies
Global Financial Breakthroughs
All From One System
Payback period
Between 2 and 24 months
Forty years in the making.
Creating this future...
Stingray - Granting This Wish...

CLICK for the
21 Insights
A Lifetime of Clean Energy
The Stingray is about to become a
generational solution.
For millions of people - globally.
"I was in tears when I realized what this is
going to do for my country."
Pastor Daniel Ondieki
The Only Question Left Is:
Where Do You Need Electricity?

Executive Energy Services
Energy Project Consulting and Training for Companies and the
Next Generation of Executives, Engineers, Consultants,
and Government Professionals.
imagine having one of the world's
best on your team...
James P. Moore
Engineer, Inventor, Author, Mathematician
Results: The most efficient and effective projects.
Personal guidance and training your team
to achieve proven, world-class energy and financial results.

"The last company that asked me to review their proposed energy project saved just under $5 million dollars in 15 minutes."
Silver Monthly
Energy Consulting
Platinum Monthly
Energy Consulting
Just $79
One Energy Project Focus.
Pause or Cancel Any Time.
Zoom Meetings.
Project guidance.
Integrated training.
Report and
Fixed, affordable monthly fee.
Extended Energy Focus.
Integrated Systems.
Longer term focus.
Pause or Cancel Any Time.
Zoom Meetings.
Project and Program guidance.
Integrated training.
Report(s) and
Fixed, affordable monthly fee.
$200BN+ Client Portfolio
Just $97.
- 30 Years of key insights to help you and your
company move forward.
- Expert guidance
for your projects.
- Member Services
specific, ongoing coaching,
consulting, project reviews
and training for: Qualified
Companies, Consultants,
engineers, Government Execs.
Video - 21 Key Insights:
Here are 21 career changing and business altering Teaching Points worth millions of dollars in your future. Worth hundreds of billions globally in the years to come.
This training will open the doors for you the rest of your life if you are committed to an exceptional, professional future. This is an invitation to become one of the elite.
Executive Energy Training is unique in the business world and can lead you to places of incredible creativity, accomplishment, credibility, influence, and the professional successes that can lead to financial freedom throughout your career.
The energy profit optimization skillset is so exceptional that it sets you apart in any business anywhere in the world.
This site is comprehensive to meet the
requirements of leading professionals.

- New clean technology
- Proposed energy retrofit
project evaluations.
"I have been looking for you for two years..."
R. Zalagenas
Director, University of Waterloo

James P. Moore
Schedule here

Ever feel like you're expected to have all the energy solutions, but secretly wish for an expert's guidance?
"One of the great minds of our generation."
C. Bush

MY FOCUS is designing and providing global, solutions that will provide the next generation of clean energy, clean water, new revenue streams, and the necessary solutions around the world that come from these fundamentals. One component is this site and traiing for the next generation of executives, engineers, consultants, financial managers and government representatives.
What you know now:
1. There is no energy training specifically for executives -
For you...
2. So much is expected of you
3. Everyone is counting on
your decisions
4. You have no one to talk to
No one you can trust - in energy
5. Most executives are self-taught
6. A large part of business revenue
is wasted every day on energy losses
7. Somebody in the company told
you that payback periods
for any energy-related
project has to be one year or less
What you will receive
with our services:
1. dozens of key insights into the world-leading financial performance of energy optimization projects.
2. Energy optimization can be the most lucrative component in most businesses.
Often 5X and 10X typical corporate returns.
3. The energy profit optimization skillset is so unique that it sets you apart in any business.
4. $1 Saved is $10 earned
5. How to avoid large, costly energy mistakes.
6. Profit margins are increased with least effort.
Insights that
Change Everything
$1,997 CDN for
Only $4,997 CDN for
To save millions of dollars, change the direction of the companies that you serve and perhaps your career for a lifetime.
Learn from the combined insights of extraordinary generations - when truth, fact and experience find you.
Astonishing improvements in business energy systems.
Learn how $1 saved is $10 earned.
Incredibly lucrative profit improvements.
"The payback period on a good
decision is the minute that
you say yes."

Short Case Study:
One of the last clients I had was thinking of a large solar PV installation. $5 million. I showed them ho to achieve the same results for less than $200k.
For $2,000 I saved them nearly $5 million.
It took fifteen minutes.
That is what I want for you...
Save millions of dollars, change the direction of the companies that you serve and your career for a lifetime.
Astonishing improvements in business energy systems.
Learn how $1 saved is $10 earned.
Incredibly lucrative profit improvements.
"Pure Genius."
B. Taylor