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Prime Numbers


Prime Numbers - The Solution To The Primes


Unveiling the Prime Mystery: A Groundbreaking Discovery


In this extraordinary work, James P. Moore presents a revolutionary breakthrough in number theory that has eluded mathematicians for centuries. After eleven years of rigorous peer review and global acclaim, Moore's equations defining the Prime Number Sequence are now available to the public in this treatise.


The Heart of Mathematics

At its core, this treatise offers:

  • The complete proof of Moore's equations, presented with clarity and precision

  • A companion volume exploring additional insights and implications

  • An accessible explanation of the Prime Number Sequence's significance


A Triumph of Human Ingenuity

Moore's discovery has been hailed by experts worldwide:


"Do you have any idea what this means!"

Dr. Scott A. Vanstone

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Waterloo.

Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Academy of Sciences.

Premier's Award for Lifetime Achievement in Innovation.

Fellow of the International Association of Cryptologic Research (IACR)


"I haven't slept for four nights. It is magic!" 

Roydon Fraser. - Professor, PEng, FEC, Teaching Chair.


”This will shake the foundations of computer science!" 

Aaditeshwar Seth - PhD. Computer Science.


" I have read your proof, it's really impressive and straightforward to read. I'm really impressed with the results of this work. My first reaction, when I understood it was: Wow!". Primes play a huge role in modern cryptography, main cryptographic algorithms such as RSA, Diffie-Hellman, DSA are based on primes. That means that these results can make a revolution in cryptography! "

Tatyana Khitrova. Computer Scientist and Cryptography expert.


​​For the True Mathematics Enthusiast

If you've ever marvelled at the mystery of prime numbers or yearned to understand the deeper patterns of our numerical universe, this treatise is your gateway to a new realm of mathematical understanding. Moore's work stands on the shoulders of giants like Euler, Gauss, and Riemann, yet pushes our knowledge further than ever before.Immerse yourself in the clarity of Moore's proof, the excitement of discovery, and the potential for future breakthroughs. This is more than a book—it's an invitation to witness mathematics history in the making




"Pure Genius" - B. Taylor

$12 CDN

"One of the great minds of our generation." - C. Bush

About the Author


Inventor, engineer, mathematician, author - James P. Moore is a Systems Design engineer with an engineering degree from the University of Waterloo. He has been recognized by all levels of government and media as one of the world’s foremost experts in energy production, conservation, air quality, and climate change.


His company 4EL Energy develops new energy technologies (production and conservation). He is the first person to determine the equations that generate the prime number sequence, prove the Twin Prime conjecture and determine the equation that proves the Collatz Conjecture.


He was nominated by the United Nations for the Katerva Award – considered the equivalent of the Nobel Prize for his work in sustainability. Each year his work on energy saves Canadians over $8 billion per year in gasoline costs and related emissions. His current focus is on the Stingray Wind Power system that will provide clean water, clean energy and save millions of lives globally each year.

His ground-breaking work and creation of The Great Sites will create a new, unique, global social platform that provides an exceptional expression of all that is insightful, life changing, positive, and empowering for anyone, anywhere.

For more information visit:

Find James P. Moore on LinkedIn

and on YouTube HERE

James Headshot August_edited.png


"All of my books are written the old fashioned way.

Decades of experience.

Followed by pen and paper..."

James P. Moore

4EL Energy

55 Northfield Drive East – Suite 132

Waterloo, Ontario. Canada. N2K 3T6

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