
Click Above for Sound
Free, Clean Energy - Forever.
Nominated by
The United Nations
Referred to by Reuters as "the Nobel Prize for Sustainability,” the Katerva Awards are the pinnacle of global sustainability recognition. Through them the best ideas on the planet are identified, refined and accelerated toward impact at a global level.
1/12th the cost of solar
or wind turbines
Clean Energy
Clean Water
Global Food Supplies
Global Financial Breakthroughs
All From One System
Payback period
Between 2 and 24 months
Forty years in the making.
Creating this future...
Stingray - Granting This Wish...

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21 Insights
A Lifetime of Clean Energy
The Stingray is about to become a
generational solution.
For millions of people - globally.
"I was in tears when I realized what this is
going to do for my country."
Pastor Daniel Ondieki
The Only Question Left Is:
Where Do You Need Electricity?

Next Generation Clean Energy Technologies

Boiler Energy Optimization | Preheat Ventilation | Domestic Hot Water Heating
Air Conditioning Cost Reduction | Increased Building Valuation | CO2 Reduction
The 4ELInc. HFG is a breakthrough in energy systems for cities. 15%-20% annual savings combined heating and cooling. Proven with over 20 years of installations. Customer payback periods between 12 and 36 months. Installs in one to two days. High rise, commercial, institutional, government, and industrial are all of your customers.
"Our job is to take highly skilled people like you, introduce them to the Next Generation of energy technologies we develop, train you to be very successful in what you do and make sure that you are sincerely proud of what you accomplish and contribute every day."

HFG: 12-to-36 month payback
$50-$60k installed.
Compare to wind: $2.3 million for the equivalent energy.
Future Clients
Every high rise, commercial, and industrial building.
HFG Case Studies
HFG Proposal
For Our Territory Representative/Account Associates
- Complete Training and Support
- Case Studies
- Straight Forward Installations
- Third Party Validation
- Very Little Competition
- Access to the entire line of products
Excellent Financial